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Wednesday, September 8

TWEET IT ALL UP TO XANDER (alexander_0729)


That means to say, just barely less than 3 days before INTENSITY!!!

And yes, we're hearing that UKiss will arrive on Friday night, so KissMe's alert...would you welcome them at the airport?  How did I know? Of course, the ever reliable Xander of UKiss, i'd say the one of the most active Idol on twitter.  He's just so adorable.

Here are his tweets:

alexander_0729 We'll be arriving late on Friday nite so it's definitely fine not to come to airport~ juz come to the show!^^ Hope stage won't be slippery~

I already prepared some peso to buy Halo-halo~ Hello halo-halo~♥ LOL~ Planning to look for 'gi-na-taan' too~ So excited!!! Yum yum~ (♡o♡)/

Arg~! It always rains whenever we perform~! Or maybe this time it's becuz of... RAIN(비)~ LOL~ Anyway! Let's get WET & ENJOY this Saturday!

Oh no... heard that it'll be raining a LOT on Saturday in Philippines.. hope it's indoor.. Better not get wet & catch a cold Pinoy KISS-ME~!

Wassup KISS-ME Pinoy~! Like I said, we'll be going to Philippines SOON~ so here we are! I'm NOT afraid to go~ See y'all soon! Mahal kita~♥^^

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